Hi Kathy. Our schools (IL) start tomorrow so this might be getting down to the wire for you too. You actually have another year to work this out if you skip Kindergarten. That�s what we did with our son-he entered 1st grade when he was still five.

You may want to get your son evaluated by an educational psychologist for additional evidence. It sounds like you have already had an achievement test completed. You may want to compliment that with an I.Q. test. If you discuss your desire to have him early entranced he/she will probably address observed maturity and concentration level. That part will defiantly interest the school if they would even consider your request.

If they absolutely refuse no matter how much evidence you can provide to prove that it is in everyone�s best interest, you might consider a private school for the first couple of years. In IL, public schools must accept students into their respective grade level after completion of first grade. However, if you go private with the intent to switch, make sure the school has actual grade levels rather than forms or some other term.
Good Luck!