Hi. smile I hope all is going well for everyone. My son's teacher is now back from maternity leave and I am struggling to not feel like we have taken a huge step backwards. Dh is fustrated with the homework he sees coming home and we haven't received a progress report or much evidence of differentiation. I am awaiting a response from an email that I sent to my ds's teacher about meeting with her and volunteering in her class. I am also awaiting an email from the principal about whether the teacher is aware of what was implemented and what was discussed while she was away.

I just finished reading an article in the paper about how the local school district is in dire financial straits. We are in California btw and with the economy being the way it is and the fact that California hasn't been able to reach a budget consensus on anything, it isn't actually suprising news. I guess I feel a little guilty because like us all I imagine they are all feeling alot of stress and here I am insisting that my son's academic needs are addressed.

I thought I would post here and ask for a little support. I honestly don't think what I am asking for will strain the budget but I am a little apprehensive in the advocacy department. Does anyone else feel the same way as I do or have any words of wisdom?

Thanks in advance.