When dd (then 5)was being tested the school did Key Math and an IQ test, so I just told her they needed to know what she could do so they knew how to help her learn more math. I said she needed to try to answer all the questions but though some will be easy for her, some will be hard and it's ok if she doesn't know the answer, just give it her best guess. When it was all done she told me that a lot of the questions didn't have anything to do with math.

Unfortunately this last weekend I think I gave her some bad advice for her SCAT test. After she came out from her break she announced proudly, "I finished it in 8 minutes!" Urgh! Makes me wonder if she even read all the questions! So when she was going back in for the second part, I reminded her that she has a full 20 minutes and she should use it to check over her work if she finishes early (she likes to race through tests). When she came out of the 2nd part she's was really upset because she didn't finish it- she spent too long on one question she didn't understand and didn't have time to answer the last 3!