Hi guys, I'm looking for some advice. My son 8 is in a gifted pullout program. I'm advocating for subject acceleration -- focusing on math as I see that as the area of greatest need. The latest roadblock that the school has put up is that his processing speed is slow. They base this on the daily timed math tests that he takes. 50 simple addition probs in 2 minutes. So a typical test is 8+2, 8+5, 8+9, etc. Unfortunately, my son has no interest in doing the silly test and rarely finishes it, with his grade getting dinged every time.
So my question, how do I get around this "proof" that he's "slow"?
And any suggestions on additional evidence I can provide? He scored in the 98th percentile in last year's standardized test. And he's taking the SCAT in two weeks.
Thank you!