So we've made a few adjustments, and things have definitely improved. (If you recall, our DS-almost-6, suddenly started acting out in school after returning from winter break. We met with the teacher & principal to see what we could do. And to top it off, we're in the middle of establishing our GIEP.)

Here is what we've done:

1) Very strict towards bad behavior, especially in school. Loss of privileges, additional chores, etc. VERY strict. It was a pretty rough first week.
2) Behavioral book that has a summary of his behavior at school. Each day we get this book back and DS can look at it if he wants.
3) I wake up a little bit earlier in the morning and "snuggle" with him for 5 - 10 minutes before starting the day. We have had much better mornings since starting this. I think this helps him "ease" into the day (we do have transitional issues).
4) Rewards like "family fun day" or ice cream for goals met (so many days in a row, etc).

The behavior isn't perfect, but it is definitely improved. At least now we're giving a lot more positive praise than negative consequences. He acts out at home, but his class behavior has been pretty good. So we're on the right path.

Just thought I'd share...