
He competed in the science fair as a 4th grader. The school allowed it because he takes science with a 4th grade class. All of his academics are 4th through 6th grade right now, so i'm not sure how much of a difference 1st vs 2nd makes. The school refers to it as his "homeroom" and he is currently listed in their roles as a K.

I asked him how he felt about starting 2nd next year instead of 1st and he said "Oh, sure that's great". He much prefers the kids in the upper grades. Based on everything i've read on here, at some point I should probably expect some bullying. But for whatever reason, all of the older kids sort of treat him like the class mascot, they're very protective of him. The teachers have reported that the biggest problem that they have with him are the arguments that take place regarding him when they are working in pairs or groups. All of the other kids want to be in his pair etc. He's very social and well aware that he's not like most kids his age, but he's also very diplomatic. (wonder if i'm raising a politician?)

There is also the POV that at some point he's going to need to skip and earlier is better. Is that true?

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!