Yes, I have read that too. Our oldest, 8, is the more under-the-radar one, with dd2.5 feeling free to completely dominate the "obviously-gifted-child" spot in our house. Actually her obvious gtness has led me to feel more confident about ds's abilities since it is so likely they are close in level. The correspondence I have read about is very high.
Despite lots of ear infections during toddlerhood our dr. did not recommend ear tubes for ds, these were recommended for dd at 1 year or so, and this may make up a large part of the difference in the level they appear to be at. I don't expect to find they are exactly the same in iq or any other respect, but I am going to stop assuming things about ds and just go forward with some more detailed testing, in particular about auditory issues, but also in general for some more solid level of giftedness info.

Isa, you might want to check this out, page 78,
Giftedness in Young Children, Silverman

Nothing's hard and fast about this, but it certainly sounds like having testing done for both kids would be advisable, when the time comes...

Oh, yeah, just wanted to add that of my 3 brothers and 3 sisters and myself, some of us were formally id'd as HG, some as gt, some not at all. We all have our strengths and it is easy to see in retrospect that at least 6 of us are gifted and 1 is very very bright, at least.

Last edited by chris1234; 01/25/09 10:10 AM.