Hi, Grinity,

Hadn't looked at Hoagies for it. If it's not there, I can email it in. Thanks for the suggestion.

I, too, found the results inline with DS's WIAT-II scores almost two years ago, except for his significant improvement in the areas I already knew about. The assessment confirmed that spelling is a weak point, and reinforces my commitment to follow the All About Spelling program we recently started. It was also nice to see confirmation of the significant improvement in reading. As you might recall, I posted last winter asking for advice on how to get DS to read - even though he could (since about age 3), he refused to and would say it's too hard. Recommendations of Geronimo Stilton seemed to have helped him over the hump. And perhaps the vision therapy is helping, too. In any event, whether true or not (as to exactly how high), this assessment put him multiple years ahead of grade level on reading - and I've seen it for myself. Ease of and willingness to read will help him in many areas. Spelling/writing are still a work in process.

But my reason for testing wasn't for information as to what to work on. I was concerned about his little progress in the fall with his teacher. I wanted a baseline now so that I can see where he is at the end of the school year with me as the teacher. This is the new homeschooler thing Kriston alluded to in her post. smile