It's been a long time since I've been here! Life has been crazy but I seem to have more time on my hands right now so I hope to be posting often! I just thought I'd give an update on us.

My dd(8) is doing great. She's excelling in her 3rd grade class. She's now working on 6th grade spelling, 5th grade math (although with some challenge I think she'd fly through math) and her reading level is very high. Every semester they test the kids' reading levels to give them appropriate reading material and the highest score for the school (thru 6th grade) is 1000. She got a it wont be long before she hits the cap. Currently the book she's reading for class is "Ann of Green Gables".

Her GT teacher says that she is doing very well and that the speed at which she is learning is phenomenal. So that was neat to hear. I know she's challenged in that class but our big worry right now is that they may be cutting the program. Budget cuts are expected to be announced mid-February. If they cut the program, I have no idea what we'll do. The GT program is an absolute necessity for my dd so right now I'm a bit worried.

Anyway, I guess thats it for now! I'm looking forward to reading and catching up with everyone!