Talent searches do seem skewed against grade-skipped children because they rank participants based solely on grade without consideration of age. Even so, I think you may be surprised how well your son does in comparison to other talent search participants in the same grade right from the start. By time he is competing for the math and science academy (or college), any disadvantage of being one year younger than average should dissipate. I think some challenge will give him more of an advantage than coasting in the long run!

My son is almost 11 and in 6th grade with (mostly) smart kids. I can�t even imagine if he were beginning 5th this year, which of course, we are familiar with. I actually shutter at the thought!

The fact that your son�s best friend is already in 6th grade and your son has expressed interest in a grade advance really seem like compelling reasons to skip him up before the end of the year!