Hey everyone. Guess what? Time for another meeting for MrWiggly! Woo hoo! (read: sarcasm. I'm really getting tired of meetings and phone calls <sigh>)

On the plus side, the principal has just told me that they are going to give him the classroom aide to work with him in math one-on-one. This is great! She will work under direction of the junior high math teacher who had been doing instruction, but can't any longer due to MrWiggly's increased needs for direct teaching (she is teaching him on the side while teaching 8th grade math simultaneously!). MrWiggly is FINALLY at a good point in his math curriculum where he is challenged and learning!! But needs that adult there to actually be teaching!

On the negative side, the kids have been teasing him more. Just last night he told me that all the boys in his class were laughing at him for only being 7 years old. He retaliated with "I might be seven but I'm smarter than all of you!" Not sure that was the best response but at least he stood up for himself! Then he told me that a "true friend" wouldn't laugh at him about anything. Makes me think that a move to where he stands a chance of meeting a true peer is worth it, even if the school could end up meeting educational needs.

Wish us luck. I'll let you know how the meeting goes. It's tomorrow morning.