I was stunned this morning when my 13 months old grabbed one of his brother/sisters Leapsters, tooddled over to his chair and climbed in and proceeded to turn it on and draw on the screen with the pen. I know he is reaching his milestones earlier than most of the other kids but with this I don't have a clue, we never had these when any of the older ones were this age. This seems odd for me at this age but I'm not sure. Anyone have this behavior, and when?

On a broader range is it possible for all five to be "above average"? We know the oldest is gifted. The psychologist believes that my oldest twin is without doing the formal testing yet. My younger twin is way ahead in Language and arts, this from a child who didn't talk and was in speech therapy for years. My sons Early Childhood teacher had some interesting questions at conferences,(he attends for speech therapy as well). Now that he is talking we are beginning to see how much he really knows at 3 and beginning to wonder. Are there any statistics out there? This is beginning to get scary from where I'm standing. Dealing with the older ones is already exhausting. Don't take that wrong but I'm sure many of you can understand what I mean.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader