Didn't read other replies so hope I don't repeat...

Kids need to learn that they have to do things they don't want to.
True, and that is why my kid has to do chores and things at home...but kid's don't actually learn when they do things they don't need to.

If they move ahead, they are going to miss something and it will cause problems (make them fail) later. If they stay behind, they are going to miss something and it will cause problems (social/emotional) later.

Children who are ahead, need to learn to work with their peers at their level. How well they can do this is an indication of their maturity. When children who are ahead work with peers at their peers level, that shows their tolerance, not their capabilities.

There is important learning in how to behave in the classroom. If we move a child up, they will learn that misbehavior gets them out of the work. I don't get that one...classrooms should have behavior plans at all levels. And children are not accelerated for misbehaving...or else there would be lots of accelerated children in schools.

(an older teacher to a younger one) Don't worry about the kids in your class that are inattentive and you can't seem to reach them. I've seen lots of them grow up to be brilliant in their careers. And I have seen a lot of them that continue to be inattentive and can't hold a job.