Originally Posted by BWBShari
Might sound like a dumb question, but do you ever get to relax with these kids?

...So how come instead of enjoying it, I find myself worrying furiously about next year?

What happens next year when he needs middle school classes? and the year after that, and the year after that?! See what i'm getting at?

a) You must relax. Like the Human Heart, you rest 'between beats.' It's a skill, you can learn it, then you get to teach it!

b) Don't worry alone. When you are alone, and the worries come, remind yourself that you have decided NOT to worry alone, then get busy with some other engaging task. Come here and worry were it will do everyone some good. People still think that they are the only one...

c) One can't know what next year will bring. He may be able to repeat 5th grade a few times, being given special assignments, particularly if the teachers are lovely. You must unplug yourself from the expectation that you will be able to figure it out in advance. Study up on what others have done, get resource. You goal is to have a range of options at your fingertips and then pick the 'least-worst' one at the time. Partial Homeschooling may be an option. For all you know, next years Kindergarden class may contain a child who has an even higher LOG than your son, and the school may decide to place them together for independent study. Ok, it's unlikely, but the school will be scrambling to figure something out. Perhaps a few current 4th graders are ready for 6th grade material in certian subjects, and the school will start a cluster for them to do 6th grade material in 5th grade. Some years your son may decide to spend lots of his time with agemates and a terrific teacher. Rejoice in what is today. I like to think that there is a Higher Power who has a plan, because I certainly don't have one - I do the legwork to develop options and pray over the rest.

Love and More Love,

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