Welcome! Based upon my experience, I have a DD5 and a DS8, most babies (<24months) that I have come across seem to come from a whole new generation! It seems like today's baby/infant/toddler is definitely operating on a whole different intellectual plane that children born even just 5-8 years ago. That being said, your DS has many of the same developmental milestones that my DS achieved at an early age. Do enjoy him! Just keep doing what you are doing and exposing him to new and different things. My DS was so interactive, right from the beginning, that I didn't know how to play with other infants that weren't as engaged. It is fantastic that you are so attuned to him and his needs. Sounds like GT to me... Just keep track of his milestones since you will get asked about them in the near future.
Again, welcome to the Board.

Last edited by momx2; 01/12/09 10:13 AM.