So here's an odd question.. My DS7 is in second grade. His teacher is lovely, a bit eccentric, and we really like her.
She teaches knitting every year to her students. This has become a bit of a sticking point with some of the parents in the school, who see it as a pointless when there is so much else to learn. ( ie: why are they learning to knit when they need to learn spelling, math, science, etc.) They spend about a half hour per day on this, but have a choice to either silent read or knit. No one is forced into it.

However, I knit, and have offered to help in the class.
I see it as an opportunity to help them learn a new skill, gain fine moter dexterity, increase attention spans and practice counting. ( Not to mention it fosters creativity and confidence.)My DS, who is very much "all boy" couldn't have been prouder when he knit a wristband for me for christmas.

Today was my first day helping. It was very interesting to watch those students that "got it" and those that need extra help. Some that are bright struggle, and some that struggle academically take to knitting like ducks to water.
So.. any thoughts? Any educated guesses at who will do well with this? Anyone appalled that this is going on when they all should be studying math facts?
I guess I'm treating this as my own little experiment.
I'll be in the class once a week for the rest of the year.
I'm interested to hear thoughts......