Hi everyone. I feel bad that I've been skimming occasionally but not posting even when really interested! I've never tried to join a community while raising a tiny baby before, and it's not working well for me!

So to get right to my points before baby wakes in prob. two seconds...

1) I want to build a group of parents to pressure, gently, of course, the school AND the boards of finance/education to address the needs of kids who could learn more deeply and/or faster than they're being taught now. How do I find these parents? Suggestions on how to approach people, organize, talk to schools and boards? I've found four families who are interested just over the holiday party stretch, which surprised me. Made me sad, too, b/c with two moms, they were saying what do you expect, it's public school, I just look for classes I can pay for elsewhere, and when I said, actually I DO expect better, then they suddenly were willing to think about HOW things could be made better. But it seemed before that they were pretty resigned.

and 2, super fast, b/c baby IS crying now, I want to volunteer to research changes to teaching/classroom practice that would be free but might help...who do I talk to about this? Principal? Superintendent? etc.

argh... thanks all!