I am sorry, just a short vent. I am just so sick and tired of having to spend so much time and energy to get what any parent wants for their child. You would think in a county as advanced as we are supposed to be that we could do a lot better than this with our children! I am just so worn out and practically in tears again because it can be so wearring on a person. We are still fighting with the school, trying to get services for my daughter. We are also trying to come up with the $20-$30/hr to have her tutored in written expression because the school district won't do anything to help because she is "so smart anyway". I am just amazed at our stupidity as a nation when it comes to education. Better stop now, her advocate said I'm having an emotional day, what an understatement! Good thing today isn't a school day, the teacher is having a break down, kidding but definately not my day to try and teach anything. Best wishes to everyone in the new year, may we see what we need to see happen for our children.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader