Hi Linda,
I checked out your web-site. Great job!

I have some questions regarding selection for your gifted programs which are often raised here and elsewhere.

You mentioned that 130 or above qualifies as gifted in your area. That is pretty standard. Which tests are considered valid? Does your district accept SB-5 and WISC-IV only, those in addition to other individual tests, a nationally normed group test? Additionally, do you consider the individual subtests or general ability index for qualification if the FSIQ doesn�t meet the threshold?

If individual IQ tests are used; who conducts the testing? Do you accept outside assessments? Does a school psychologist test any/all students? Did your school have to solve some financial issues in order to make testing available?

Thanks in advance for the information. I know others would like to implement similar groups, but are often thwarted because of the testing and money issues.
