Ummm...I have a grown adult son, not with Asperger's, who moved out of the house on his own and.....
didn't eat veggies,
lived on burgers and pizza (Pizza Hut employees recognized his voice when he ordered by phone!),
didn't clean his toilet for 4 months because he "forgot" to pick up the toilet brush at the store,
went to work and then came home to play video games all night and be online with friends he left at "home",
only did his laundry when he ran out of underwear (and then only did the whites),
only cleaned his apartment when we were coming to visit,
drank directly out of the 2-liter soda bottles "so I don't need to wash dishes",
oh, I could go on and on!
But, the good news is that he not only survived, he thrived. He eventually learned to socialize and made friends in his new town. He met a girl, got married and now owns a house and still doesn't eat veggies!

Asperger's or not, your emotions are normal mom stuff. And this too shall pass. Put systems in place, check on him, coach him, remind him and support him. But let him go and he will fly. Roots and wings, the saying goes. He'll find them - I'm sure you've given him a great start! Hang in there - you will both be fine!