I love the focus on gifts that truly come from the heart. That's a great idea Minnie about your children making gifts for eachother. My DS4 isn't into all the commercialism yet...thankfully. He does like his TV shows..but thankfully most of them are DVR'd and we fastforward commercials. He really enjoys wheel of fortune. Anyhow, he told us that he just wants one thing for Christmas...to get a present for his little sister. I almost cried. Clearly he would be disappointed on Christmas if he had no presents...but it was still very thoughtful and he really is selfless most times. He said that he knows it would make her really happy and that's why he wants to get her something. A friend of ours came over and was asking DS what he wanted for Christmas and if he asked Santa...etc etc. I was a little uncomfortable because we didn't go see Santa (he never asked and doesn't seem all that interested) He never made a list or told us what he wants (we know what things he likes and leans towards). It just seems like with so many kids it's all about what they want for Christmas...and I "being good" in order to get gifts. I don't like that focus at all.