My son was just identified for TAG as "gifted". We are in a small rural area and no money for any organized program, or specific teachers who specialize in TAG.

What does this mean? The psychologist I met with told me he hadn't seen someone like my son in many many years, he was very excited.

I admit, I kinda freaked out.

We took him to a Psychologist to begin with because he was having some emotional problems, he was chanting, and singing all the time, and would obsess over various issues.

We have always known he was ahead of the game because (he began to read at age of two), and devoured all of the Harry Potter books last year, and understands the entire plot. He's also really ahead in Math.

However, he's very much seven years old emotionally, infact, he might be this side of immature.

So now what do we do?