I have a question: what do people think about the idea of skipping a year or two of a subject versus going through each year in order to avoid "gaps in learning?"

This idea has been on my mind somewhat lately, as my DS8's teacher has made it clear that he will not do 5th grade science until he's mastered 4th grade science, end of story.

I bought a copy of the 5th grade book, and from what I can see, the major difference is that the grade 5 curriculum is somewhat more technical. It shares a lot of the same concepts with the 4th grade book. I don't see the big deal, given that the kid actively listens in on the 5th (and 6th!) grade stuff whenever he can.

I have an impression that many or most teachers are very concerned about gaps in learning, and that allowing them to exist will cause harm. I'm not convinced, at least in the case of gifted kids.

Oh, one more related thing: I'm really beginning to understand the importance of IQ testing: it's so they'll believe you when you make claims about a child's abilities, right?



Last edited by Val; 12/07/08 06:39 PM.