I am so thankful that my husband is so helpful in supporting my efforts to homeschool our son.

I am so thankful for all those little things he does like asking our son what he learned today and his willingness to take on "debates" when I am tired, when I know he is also tired and that I can call him during the day while he is at work to tell him that his son did really well on something he was working on. I have found that this is a great motivator, much better than calling to say we were having a problem of some kind.

I am thankful that he shares an interest in history and literature with his son and encourages him to learn more.

I am thankful that he can teach him all about electronic stuff because I think I must have some kind of new technology ld.

I am thankful that he encourages him to keep learning and to go ahead and use more interesting vocabulary instead of telling him that he should dumb down to fit in better with other people in our small town.