Originally Posted by Dottie
... There's nothing wrong with a kid, old OR young getting his bearings before speaking out. In fact, this seems like a very smart thing to do to me!

It could of course be teacher-bias, but she's just one teacher in a long string that DS will have. YOU know he's gifted, WE know he's gifted....the nay-sayers will become believers in time, wink


Thanks Dottie. Always appreciate the BTBD, especially from someone who's been through the PA process.

Originally Posted by Dottie
On the bright side, your 60 day clock should be timing out very soon!!!!

I know. Feels like forever. The school pysch did email our teacher, so we know things are rolling. I was happy to hear the teacher recognized that he had put square root problems on his math pages the other day when he was doodling. And that he scored a perfect on his reading eval. Hopefully there isn't anything to worry about and we get our id.