My daughter can print the alphabet, numbers 1-10, loves to draw snowmen, people, objects, does crafts, etc.

I need some advice on what I can do with her on cold winter days when we are stuck in the house.

Right now, she watches tv in the morning and then we do a "project" for about 2 hours. Then we have lunch and then quiet time for about 2 hours. After quiet time, we do another activity or computer CD and then she watches tv for an hour while I make supper.

I am trying to turn off the tv more often and not have her just sit in front of it, even though she likes her shows.

She can do most of the stuff that kids in kindergarten are doing and when she goes to K-4 next year, I don't want her to be so far ahead of the other kids, but at the same time, I don't want to waste her brain cells watching tv.

I'd appreciate some suggestions. THANKS.
