Hi Aliza,

I think the YSP has been very helpful to my family in a number of ways:
1. Family Counselors to help advise on IEPs, emotional concerns, resources, and just a supportive sounding board, with my child's best interests in mind and not judgemental (or resentful of my kids being super-smart). I have found that getting advice on curricula from DITD is influential with our gifted program which actually adopted several of their recommendations.
2. On line colloquia/seminars with experts for both the parents and the YS (I participated in one with Miraca Gross--practically the mother of profoundly gifted kid research! from Australia.
3. Gatherings--I know Ohio has a community of YSs that gets together informally, and there is the one summer Gathering that YS's from all over the country go to meet each other, participate in classes, etc.
4. Online community for me. This has been very important to me. Sometimes you feel completely alone--that no one else you know faces the same issues you have with your child or children. Friends and family don't get it. But everyone here is so supportive, several have the same experiences. It's so nice. As my kids get older, they'll participate more in the online community to "meet" kids with similar interests.
5. Financial assistance
6. Info. Lots of it. I love looking up websites and finding out about programs when I hear about them from DITD.

Those are just some I could think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are many more benefits, but I have to start my painting project!