
I had a very hard time not smiling while reading your post. I can hear your frustration and your uncertainty in your words. I know that you are pulling your hair out, while worrying how to teach your son. But all I could think while reading was, "God, what a wonderful year your son is having!" Look at it from his point of view. There may be gaps here or there (but I doubt it at the rate his is learning. He will self-fill-in any would be gaps!) But think about how much he has learned in a few short months compared to what he would be doing in a regular school? It is amazing!

So my advice, from someone who has never done what you are doing but is completely impressed by it, is keep doing whatever it is you are doing. Let him stretch his legs intellectually and run until he hits something that slows him down. Then see if he will chew on it awhile. You want him to be challenged, so that he knows how to buckle down and apply himself. And if that is 4th or 5th grade material, then so be it.

grin It sounds really wonderful to me!

Mom to DS12 and DD3