Hi all,
Some random ramble about DS8:
1. she says she doesnt laugh at jokes like some other kids in class (as gifted from what we can tell) since the jokes are 'immature'.
She has never really giggled and laughed silly like kids of her age...I worry that she is not being a 'child'. In general, increasingly her analysis of happenings at school and home sound very very adult-like to me.
2. she worries excessively about running out of money despite our assuring us we are fine.
3. she worries alot about her health. She has been, touchwood, a very healthy child - a mild throat ache though is enough to send her talking for long about the worst possibilities.
She is still an extrovert, easy-going but a fairly serious person. I know intuitively that there is nothing to 'intervene' about here..but I wonder if I am doing my best in shaping her as a positive person.
I would appreciate any opinions, suggestions, like experiences etc.
(None of the above patterns are brand new but the intensity seems to increase with age..)
Hope someone can empathize.