All, hopefully I'm not crossing any lines here, but I've put together a quick site:

Here is the general idea: I have time and energy to devote to supporting the needs of gifted kids and parents. The problem is that I don't have a good idea of what others may need. (I do have one idea, but it rather ambitious). I have a software engineering background and I build web sites for a living, so where I can leverage my skills for this cause, I'm happy to do so. The idea is along of the lines of suggest something you'd like to see done (online) that isn't already being served by existing sites. It could even be suggestions like "such-and-such after school group doesn't have a web site. Provide them one." You can vote on other ideas that have been submitted so that helps prioritize ideas that may (or may not) make sense.

I don't want to build anything that would compete with resources already out there like this site or Hoagies.

Its possibly that nothing will come out of this or the ideas will be too abstract for me to actually act on. However, without asking, I don't know. So I figure that the best way to get started is to post here. Please feel free to forward this to any/all of your other contacts in the GT community.



P.S. This is a new service I'm using, so if you have a problem using it, just let me know via PM.