I haven't been posting much lately because I got a 20 hour/week contract recently and so have been busy. The downside is less time for this board; the upside is obvious!!

I've been talking about DS8 and science in another thread. I thought I'd provide a little update on DS6.

His teacher told me today that they've decided to bump him up to 2nd grade reading and spelling. That's great. When I mentioned this to him he seemed very chuffed. I'm sure that watching his older brother move ahead affects him, and moving up himself in two subjects will be great for the old self-esteem.

He probably hasn't realized that they moved him up 2-3 grade levels in listening/comprehension the first week, because those big books for his listening group are just those cool books he loves.

I think DS8's small science acceleration will be the big challenge this year. I made vague references to it and didn't get an enthusiastic response (see my post called Grade skip question.

A benefit of having more money coming in means that we'll be able to pursue testing for the kids, starting with DS8. I'm thinking of getting him tested sometime this winter. If the scores match, we might apply for DYS. We'll see.
