Thank you all for the warm welcome! I really have enjoyed all I have read in these fora (I've found the book recommendations especially helpful, given all of the book-devourers around here).

"Eclectic." I like it. Thanks, Kriston!

Body part gummies, with puns attached, corinna--sounds right up our ballpark, as one of my colleagues used to say! My kids would love it.

Katelyn'sMom--I totally understand where the radical unschoolers are coming from, I really do (I'm a cultural historian, so the notion of textbook bias is certainly on my radar!). It's just that I don't think that my choice to use some (carefully selected) books with my kids (like the Getty-Dubay italic handwriting series, say) should disqualify them as playmates for their kids! Anyway, no point chastising that expired equine any longer, I guess. Thanks for taking the time to write--it was kind of you!

And thanks again, all, for the welcome.
