Originally Posted by seablue
Originally Posted by doodlebug
On the other hand, the math teacher says he "fits right in with the eighth graders" and "he laughs when they do and makes cracks that they laugh at." She told us how they invite him to play their games with them at the end of the class period, how he listens in on the instruction for the 8th grade class (he's supposed to be working independently in his 5th grade book at the time) and he teaches some of them how to play specific games on the computer. In that class he is independent to manage his time, complete his work and follow directions.

(Cute side story: a girl recently asked him to marry her and he said he would, but needed to grow up first. He keeps telling me he doesn't want to leave his girlfriend!)

It's so hard for anyone to feel comfortable in 8th grade... I'm really impressed. Maybe being at an intellectual 8th grade level without all the emotional, hormonal and cognitive (others perceive me) 8th grade malarky is the ticket. What a wonderful story about your DS.

Yeah, it was pretty heartwarming to hear such good news at the meeting smile My DH said how the 8th graders probably view MrWiggly as some sort of oddity or "pet" and the teacher was very quick to point out that this wasn't the case. She said the 8th graders all genuinely like him and are eager to talk to him and play with him. When he's late or misses a day she says all the kids ask where he is. I was floored when the 3rd grade teacher said it is NOT like that in her class. Drove home the idea of "like minded peers" and the need for him to be with others his age and at his level. Although the future MrsWiggly is a 3rd grader who apparently likes him quite a lot! wink