Conferences are coming up the 2nd week of November. We got a paper telling how they will be done this year, it's different than the past.
We will arrive 10-15 minutes before appointed time. Our child will take us around his room and show us the things he's been doing the last 9 weeks and show us some examples of his work(as if I haven't seen the ream of trees he's already brought home!). Then he will take us to where the teachers are for the conference. In 4th & 5th grade the teachers work in 2 teacher teams. One teacher does reading/language arts/social studies, the other teacher does math/science. Both teachers and the child will be in the conference.
This is where it gets really good! The child will be given a paper to fill out for a self assessment and the teachers will fill out the same paper. We'll discuss those assessments and also go through another portfolio of his work. I'm thinking this gives us a great opportunity for GS to talk about how he wants homework, how he wants harder things to do, and present a portfolio of the harder things he does for fun at home.