...for GT kids aged 6-9yo?

I'm coaching a Junior First LEGO League team for the first time, and I'd like to give them some things to do at our practices that will foster teamwork and creative problem-solving, but that will also get them up out of their chairs. We had a hard time coming up with enough meeting dates that everyone could attend, so our meetings have to be 90 minutes long. Not ideal...That means I need some active tasks that will help them change gears and get re-focused on the next thing, but which will also be useful in the context of the team.

One example: the human knot. Everyone stands in a loose circle and takes the hands of two different people--not both hands of one person. Then without breaking any handholds, the group has to untie itself to form one circle (or sometimes two interlocking circles). It's nice because one person cannot solve the puzzle. People must all cooperate. And it's fun because it winds up being rather like Twister at points: step over, duck under, turn around...Good fun!

So that's the sort of thing I have in mind, just to get the ball rolling.

Other ideas? Feel free to make some up on the spot! These don't have to be tried and true! They just have to work with GT 6-9yos!

Actually, if they fail, I'll have the team problem-solve why they failed. There's really no losing here! wink
