I had a bull who was pretty smart and I could do just about anything with him.

He'd let me lay against him in the field when he was laying down. I could use him to lead a group of new cows or calves back to the herd. He saved my bacon when I fell into a deep ditch with the herd following me - he straddled me while the herd crossed the creek. He could open gates latched with just a chain in a slot. He got his horn stuck one day in a gate in the corral and patiently let me use a torch and saw to cut the gate and corral panels down.

He'd play practical jokes on me - such as sneaking up and putting his horn under my butt when I was bent over working on a water valve - then prance around when I chased him with a hammer. LOL.

He went through a phase where he would get out a lot just to poke around. It took several extended stays in the corral to teach him to stay in. I felt sorry for him and let him hang out around the ranch house if he was at the gate.

I eventually sold him to a retired Doctor who wanted a gentle bull. My DW was PISSED.

Last edited by Austin; 10/17/08 11:00 AM.