Originally Posted by Mom2Two
I found out that there is a private school that will take kids into kindy without being the right age, then I could have him start 1st grade next year in public school BECAUSE he would have an official transcript saying he had finished kindy.

I can't decide whether I should take this chance. I'm not ready for him to tackle 1st grade next year, but I live in a district that is very anti-skipping. We have a friend with a 5th grader who is testing out in math at the 9th grade level and reading at the 12th grade level. This 5th grader continues to score in the 99% on standardized tests, yet the district refuses to skip her because kids SHOULD BE with their age mates.


Do you know for certain that your public school will accept a K transcript and recommendation from another school? The reason I ask is that many states don�t HAVE to accept kids by established grade until the completion of 1st grade and simply won�t no matter what evidence is provided. It sounds like you may live in one of the unyielding districts.

My daughter (now in 9th) entered K early with a private school where she excelled academically and socially and had an official transcript with teacher�s and administrator�s recommendation that she go on to 1st, but our public school refused and made her repeat K. We removed her from public school a few months into 2nd grade and re-established her with academic peers in 3rd at another private school. The public school only served as a useless disruption to her education while trying to scare us into compliance.

Given this experience and knowing the K learning objectives, our son (now in 7th) skipped K entirely and early entranced into 1st grade at private school. He actually enjoyed 1st grade as it was his first taste of academics.