Originally Posted by Dottie
We've also learned that any plan is only as good as the person who is tasked with following it. Goals should be realistic and able to be implemented, rather than "pie in the sky" and looking good on paper.

Yes I can imagine! Ds classroom teacher seems pretty open - she's pretty young and seems to be on ds side for some reason. When I was at the regular back to school night I asked about the spelling exercises and mentioned that some seemed....and I couldnt come up with a nice word for what I wanted to say, so she interjected: 'tedious?'
I was floored. I said, yes, that's right. She agreed on the spot that any of the exercises any of the kids didn't like could be substituted by something else we parents/kids came up with. Amazing.
Big hopes here.

Thanks for the link - the example is very interesting!!

I am considering being brave and stepping up to try for the parents group if one doesn't exist already!. And of course, never any pressure here!!