My DD10 is driving me crazy! She has become very argumentative about everything. If I say the sky is blue she will respond "no it's not, it's.....". She also refuses to accept that she might be wrong about something. For example, if we are practicing spelling words (she is definitely NOT a gifted speller) and I tell her a word is not correct the conversation will go something like this:

Mom: That isn�t right, try it again
DD: Yes it is
Mom: No, it isn�t�you said T-E-R-R-A-B-L-E but the correct spelling is I-B-L-E
DD: That�s what I said
Mom: No, you said A
DD: No, I didn�t, you just didn�t hear me
Mom: I heard you just fine
DD: No you didn�t, I know what I said

This could go on ad nauseum like this until I get mad and tell her �fine, you know everything and I don�t know what I�m talking about�. blush I know�not a very adult response! blush This same conversation occurs whether I am correcting selling, science, social studies or even what time of day it is. I would think it was normal preteen, parents don�t know anything, stuff but this has been going on for a year or more and has escalated at school as well. She has been arguing with her teachers the same way.

I�m not sure where this is coming from or how to approach correcting the behavior. DD is non-attentive type ADHD and is formally tested GT in math but tests around 95% in all academic subjects. She is in 5th grade and just this year was moved up to an advanced 6th grade math class. This is working out well but I know she is not being adequately challenged in her other subjects. I have noticed that the behavior is worse in the mornings before she has had her meds so it might be related to the ADHD but I have a feeling that it just seems worse then because she is more prone to blurting out what she is thinking instead of thinking before she speaks, something that has improved greatly since she has been on her Adderall. I am at the end of my rope with this and it is starting to get her into trouble at school. I have been considering taking her to a therapist. Anybody have and experience with this or suggestions? I�m open to any and all ideas!!