I think meeting before school starts is a great idea - I hope they agree.
I think it's the law that you can have access to your son's file, but it could be different in your state, I guess. Pediatrician is also a good source for reccomendations, as they are quite aware how unusual it is to do the various milestones at your son's age.

As far as screen time, don't feel bad, Ruf suggests that lots of PG kids end up spending lots of time in front of screens cause no human can keep up with them for so many hours! It's the old cause and effect question - Is my son obnoxiously demanding a explaination for whatever's stuck in his craw at this exact second because he's so used to the instant feedback of video games - OR is he so into video games cause he craves to process/learn at such a fast and intense level?????? ((let's take a laughing break, here, ok?))
Sorry to hear that the divorce was recent and difficult. You are still human even if your kid needs way more than what a human can provide. Isn't that the interesting part?

The reason I asked about Reno, is two fold - on one hand, a child need only be doing "middle school" aged work, not be middle school aged to attend. On the other hand, there will be many bright siblings of Davidson Academy moving to the area, so there is a commitment to helping the local public schools accomidate the influx of PG and near PG siblings. Doesn't that just sound heavenly? To me the idea of my son being able to attend a public school with his age mates and
a diverse group of children that includes significant numbers of like-ability kids and teachers who have "real life" experience with helping these kids get their needs met, is very appealing. For now, it would be too destructive of the rest of my life to go for it, so I understand where you are comming from. (((lip sticking out for both of us)))

OK back to reality. I would push the school as hard as you can bear to meet and plan over the summer. If you can get them to give him end of year tests and see if he can start the gifted program NOW with the 3rd grades, that might be good. (And I do mean with a few grade skips, or as a "concurrent enrollment" plan.)

This is scary stuff 'cause there isn't usually an ideal set up, just a "least - bad fit."

Smiles and Hugs -

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