We have been using the trial as well as both Destination math and aha!math are on the homeschool buyers co-op group buys right now. I thought the destination math looked good but my youngest gifted daughter was "done" in no time, she isn't thrilled at all with it. She tends to like to move on quickly once she underdstand a concept, and gets bored with constant repeat instruction. We may try the aha!math since they do have a 14 day return, although a free trial would be nice. I did submit to them for someone to call me to see if they do offer a trial of some sort. My older daughter loves ALEKS it's just a shame they don't offer the lower grades as well. Same with HeyMath!, since my younger ones are only 5 and 3. We do use Singapore math but they really respond well to some computer based programs as well. (One twin likes computer one likes hands on so we try to balance both.) I'd be interested to hear from families who have used this.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader