Everyone tells me that my daughter is advanced she started speaking between 6 and 9 months and everyone she will talk to says wow she speaks really well how old is she. She knew all of her letters upper and lower case by 18 months and could also count to 30. She has always sat and listened to books and ever since she could she will just sit and what she calls read books (this is totally by herself) flipping the pages one at a time. She gave up naps by age 2 and only sleeps 8 or so hours a night at the most. She could walk by 9 1/2 months, she learned to swim when she was one and now swims all over the pool diving in and everything. She is fascinated by the moon and has to check the calendar and go out each night to see what type is out. She loves to work on the computer and can go to many different web sites by her self and play the different activities, we have to watch her closely because we caught her on the SONY web site because she saw it on the DVD player. She has started to pick out words she knows in her books and wants to know what different words are. I feel like I am holding her back from learning to read because I don't know what to do to help her, any ideas or suggestions? What do kids who know their ABC's and such do in Pre K and Kindergarten? Right now she stays with her grandmothers while we work. I spoke to a Kindergarten teacher in a store last year when she was reading letters off a sign and she said their practice was to let the 1 or 2 kids like this go to the library and check out books to read. I don't want her to just sit there I want her to be learning.

The only problems we have with her is she is extremely hard headed and she will not eat but a few things. She will not even try new foods she just tells you she does not like it.

I'm pretty sure from what I read that she is gifted but don't know what to do now, any help or suggestions would be appreciated.