Hi, I have been meaning to respond to this for *days* sorry I kept getting distracted just as I am about to do so!
We did consider an elementary IB program nearby. It was at the public school and it sounded like it might offer more challenge, but very few specifics were offered to parents to help decide.
One point that sounded good was foreign language, but then I found out that there wasn't any budget for the next couple of years at least for the foreign language.
Other parents I'd spoken with mentioned lots of group work, project oriented assignments which are supposed to support the sort of work one typically does in the real world. One parent mentioned feeling there was a lot more homework. I wasn't sure that was a good fit for my ds.
DS was accepted, but in the end we stuck with the school he was attending, rather than disrupt his routine for the prospects of a slightly longer bus ride, no near hope of foreign language class, and a very vague idea that there would be more challenge for all students.
That's our story anyway. I would be curious to hear from anyone else if they've had very good experience with GT children in IB programs.