
I have a meeting scheduled onthe 14th oct to discuss options which include a 504, or special education services. I want to have substantiating information to support that my son needs concessions under the category emotional and behavioral disoders. Due to multiple diagnosis ranging from ADHD and ODD when he was 7 to anxiety and OCD as a 13 year old, we are not totally sure what to ask for in the way of services. We think he has some LD in addition to the anxiety and we are not sure how to get support on this. I was working on the GAI worksheet last night.There is a 13 point discrepancy between GAI and FSIQ. I am having trouble deciphering on the interpretation of what the discrepancy means. Based on the score discrepancies the Asbergers autism spectrum pops out the most as a possible LD in this case. Am I reading this correctly on the Wisc 1V dscrepancy graph? BB