Hi Hall,
Good for you!
First - be sure to get in touch with Davidson's teacher resource:

Second - So you get to met with the students in groups? If so, you want to make sure that they have their study skill in line - many gifted kids don't need study skill until High School, and they when they suddenly do need them - they feel stupid and give up. Groups are also great for addressing soical/emotional issues - making friends in a new school for the freshs, and dealing with watching peers make poor choices is a biggie.

You might want to check out:
Living & Learning With Overexcitabilities by Cindy Strickland
a teaching unit for gifted middle school students, full of teaching aids, and ready to roll

I agree that your role as encourager of summer programs, contests, is key. This combines with Career Planning and Motivation in a book titled: "What High Schools Don't tell you(and other Parnets don't want you to know)" by Elizabeth Wissner-Gross. Please don't let the provacative name scare you off - it's packed full of ways to motivate kids to be their biggest selves.

Another book that lists many resources for enrichment is Re-Forming Gifted Education: How Parents and Teachers Can Match the Program to the Child by Karen B. Rogers

Rogers also outlines how to make the most of what your school offers for an individual gifted kid.
I guess the other question I would raise, is, what about the parents? My son is in Middle School, and we get the clear message from the school that now is the time to 'back off' and 'let the children advocate for themselves.' I would guess that parents of gifted children play a big role in their lives (sometimes having to do double duty as parent and friend) and a little validation, and possibly guidance would probably go a long way.

I know that we parents can be a big drain, but you can get them to support each other, maybe: http://www.sengifted.org/parents_groups.shtml

Have fun wading through this!
Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com