We have had religion talks since DS9 was about 6 he "stole" a bible from the hotel we were at because he had finished the books he brought for the week. I had my own "religion quest when I was about 12 and DS was having those same kinds of questions. We are not church goers but DS has always been very spiritual. We will ask friends of his that are diffrent religions to join them in a holiday celebration or read about ones that are happening. He asked once if he had to decide what religion he was and was very relieved to know he could take as long or as little as he wanted and in fact he never had to decide on one if he didn't want to. He actually started writing a future fiction screenplay about religious persecution and it was very stunning to find that way what he is thinking and feeling about his spiritual feelings. Allow exploration and talk about all diffrent religions just like everything else with our kidlets they will find their way so better to allow them all the information their brains are thirsting for.