The state requires them to accelerate if the student passes ALL 4 tests with a 90%. My understanding is that the district will NOT consider any other criteria

Yes, Lily, my strong advice is to find out the district policies. Try to get any written policy concerning this. Our board publishes everything online.

Some teachers/principals think skipping/acceleration is harmful for children. If you are dealing with someone like that it's possible that the info they give you isn't quite right. I find that it's good intentioned, however misguided.

We are in a similar situation and have decided to take our daughter out of school each day for math. This wasn't offered to us by the school, but I called the state representative whose aide gave me all the information I needed about the State Board of Education. Once I found out I had the State Board of Education policy on my side, I didn't ask the school, I politely informed them of what decision we had made and asked their help to make it a smooth transistion for her.

So basically, the school has to cooperate with me whether they want to or not. Luckily they are cooperating beautifully with us(at least as good as you can get, anyway!)

I've found when you have policy on your side, and you make a decision like this, they will hopefully cooperate with you. I'm pretty sure everyone realizes the child is adversely affected if they don't and no one wants that. smile

Start researching, knowledge is power. Don't think you don't have any influence in how things ultimately will work out.