My son with ADHD took the paper version of the PSAT 8/9 in April 2023 and scored in the 99th percentile (he also scored similarly high on various standardized tests in school in the preceding years). He moved to a new school this year and took the digital PSAT 8/9 in October 2023 and scored in the 70th percentile. Computers are a big distraction for him (he really struggled with online learning during COVID because he was more focused on his computer functionality than the content of his courses and the teacher). So I am wondering if/assuming that the big drop in performance on this test reflects that he took it on the computer instead of on paper.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to help a highly gifted kid (IQ > 190) with ADHD do well on standardized testing? He has some time before he takes these tests that will be important for things like college admissions, so I'd like to try out some test-taking strategies that could help him show his aptitude, knowing that testing will be on the computer from here on out. I am not looking for testing accommodations, but for helping develop skills that will be helpful throughout his life.
