Thank you everyone 😊

I am reassured that I can continue to gently advocate for her at school, but otherwise let her continue to explore the world in her own �joy-led� way.

One more quick question. She is a reluctant reader, which I think is informed by her early experiences at school. She is also very selective in her enthusiasms and greatly enjoys her own imaginative world. She does like being read to, during which time she bounces around and �imagines�. She�s impatient with the act of reading itself and has told me �my head doesn�t like being told what to do�!

She is beginning to find more books that appeal to her, and is already accomplished at both reading and comprehension.

Any advice on how to engage her more in reading? Or do I simply relax and assume that she will find her way to books, led by interest and in her own time?

I am an avid reader and wish she could share this wonderful world.