I wonder if this is a relatable experience.

When I was in high school, I used to feel deeply at the fact that other students would not understand things that came to me naturally, and I really didn't want that to be true. So, I tried very hard to devise all sorts of ways of being able to teach intuition and subjects much faster than they are currently taught. I was quite passionate about this and had strong opinions.

Later on, life taught me that what I could do was in large part genetics, and so there's no way the intuition I had could be taught or conveyed to someone who wasn't also quite gifted. That the "teaching strategies" which I thought up were actually often used to teach EG/PG kids (and so I had reinvented the wheel), but wouldn't work with average or even vanilla gifted children.

It's like on a scale from 0-100, if someone's talent is a 2, you can push them to a 4 with exceptional teaching, but some people just start at a 10 and this can not be taught to someone who does not innately possess it. The futility of the entire exercise made me give up teaching. From personal experience, I know that someone with talent will teach themselves using books and by asking questions online if nothing else is available and often doesn't require instruction to get to a very high level.